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Minister's Message (continued)


Life in our world today finds us confronted with constant change.  Turn the page of the newspaper, change the channel on the TV, turn the dial on the radio, and we are bombarded with messages that may disrupt those qualities of life that run contrary to gospel-living.  So where do we turn? How do we make our state in life more meaningful, our relationships more genuine, bring harmony to our home, and become the person that God intends us to be?


As Minister, I invite you to explore the Secular Franciscan Order.  In the little Italian town of Assisi some 800 years ago, people just loved St. Francis and all he stood for.  They said, “we are married and single and may not be called to the religious life as an ordained Priest or Nun; so how can we follow you in our current state of life?” He heard them.  People still seek out a life following St. Francis of Assisi all these years later. Some ordained and some in a secular state of life. The start of the journey may or may not lead you to a Franciscan vocation.  But what it will do is make you a better person for having started.  It will change your life!  It will open you to the gift of discernment. Your relationships will be stronger and more sincere.  You will find that you are better able to balance the highs and lows of life.  That is so important to healthy living.  Is that something you would like to take time to explore? Seek out your nearest Secular Franciscan fraternity and stop by and say hello.  You will find resources to do that in these pages of our website.  Come and see.  We want to meet you!


Some have been in the Order for a few years; some many decades.  Others are just starting their journey of discovery.  No matter where we are on that timeline, we share the common qualities as outlined earlier which mirror the life of St. Francis of Assisi.  We live in a world filled with many distractions and hold precious the time we gather together as fraternity.  Allow the dizziness and hectic pace of life to be placed on hold and give the Lord time to grant us His peace through the intercession of His humble troubadour, St. Francis of Assisi, praying for us and transforming our heart and spirit.  Then, no matter where the week ahead takes us, we are better able to put everything into proper focus and balance.


Again, welcome to our website and welcome to the Secular Franciscan Order.  We would love to meet you at a fraternity near you.  


Come and see.

Minister, OFS

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