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    Pax et Bonum



    Welcome, and thank you for visiting our site.  We hope that you find the peace of St. Francis within these pages.  We encourage you to visit our fraternity, leave prayer requests, tell us about your Franciscan journey, and annouce your Franciscan events.  Most of all we wish you all the Peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ in everything!


    Peace and all Good!

    Our Mission


    Living Gospel to Life and Life to Gospel... This is what we strive to do. Gospel to Life means we are to take the teachings of Jesus and apply them our daily life situations. We strive to demonstrate to our fellow man what Jesus did. Strive to bring peace and draw people to God by living the Gospel message. We must be ready to forgive, to comfort and most of all to love. We must die to ourselves. Life to Gospel means we are to conform our life to Jesus' life. We are to love, suffer, pray, and forgive as He did. This is our way of life

    Are You being Called?


    Do you have a longing in you heart to have a deeper spiritual relationship with Jesus?  Have you been discerning a vocation? Please come and visit one of our meetings.

    Secular Franciscan Order Mission San Juan Capistrano Fraternity
    Minister's Message


    Thank you for visiting our website.  It is my hope that you will gain information that brings you joy, peace, enlightenment and challenge.  In many ways, these were among the key qualities in the life of St. Francis of Assisi 800 years ago who we, as Secular Franciscans today, attempt to follow; and in so doing,  also strive to find joy, peace, enlightenment and challenge.  To achieve that, it takes discernment; discernment is just another word for journey. 

    Prayer Requests

    Please prayerfully add your requests and petitions 

    or pray with us a decade of the Rosary every Thursday at 7pm

    Latest News

    What's happening in our fraternity? Check out our newsletter, The Dove.


    ​​Calender of Events

    On-going formation classes, inquiry meetings, and much much more.


    ​Pray the Divine-Office - anytime click here

    Pray the Stations of the Cross ~

    Click here

    Secular Franciscan Order Mission San Juan Capistrano Fraternity
    Come and See

    To learn more about our incredible life as followers of Christ in the foot steps of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi  Download our Tri-fold brochure

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