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Secular Franciscan Order ~ Mission San Juan Capistrano Fraternity
Fourth Station - Jesus Meets His Afflicted Mother
As before, I like to contemplate on the words in the station... Jesus - my Lord, Guide, Father, Truth, The Way Meets -connects, engages,...
Third Station - Jesus Falls the First Time
As before, I am going to take a moment and contemplate each word of this third station.... Jesus - Lord, Son, Brother, Friend, Counselor,...
Second Station - Jesus Carries His Cross
As I have mentioned before (when i recite alone), I like to take a few mintues to contemplate each word of the station before moving...
First Station - Jesus is condemned to death
Before I begin (given that I am praying the stations alone) I like to take a moment to contemplate each word of the station with a few...
We adore you oh Christ and we praise you ...
"Because by Your holy cross You have redeemed the world." During each station of the cross we say these last words as we genuflect. We...
What happened to my Lenten pledge...
"This year will be different" is what I tell myself each year as I try to take my Lenten Journey deeper (or at least more successful). ...
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